The Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic (150+ Corgis!)

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Devyn, Queen of all Corgis, overseeing the festivities

August 2nd was the Annual Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic and this year, an estimated 150+ corgis and their humans attended.


In attendance were corgis of all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages.

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Even non-corgis had the privilege to attend (if they dared).

It's obvious he wishes he were a corgi

Obviously he wishes he were a corgi


Anyone in need of a corgi fix certainly got their fill today!

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Odin, as in Odin the Corgi

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Corgi smiles and derpy faces roamed the grounds in droves.

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The mighty Thor!

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And with those smiles came the corgi butts

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Callahan, with his magnificent corgi butt

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Some corgis made new friends

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Some of which will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

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The top pup is Wally, on the bottom there is Thatcher

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I am continuously learning from dogs, and observing the corgis today has pointed out some things I feel I should share so that everyone may know more about Corgwn:

Corgi fur varies a great deal in length and color.
There’s the traditional length

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The puffier ones

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And the fluffies!

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Pembrokes come in red and white

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and tricolor

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but Cardis, they have many more color options!

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The beautiful Sheldon!

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Some corgis are lap dogs

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Vincent – the one and only (hopefully) corgi with cropped ears (he came like that when he was lovingly rescued)

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Others require a chair of their own

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Most corgis walk

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A lot of corgis run

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Some have their own set of wheels

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Still others demand to be carried, [please]

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Corgis can be very social and playful

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Corgis may prefer to roam with their own

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Sometimes, corgi prefer to relax

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Or maybe they’d rather be alone

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Elphaba is a very loyal service dog


Some corgis enjoy water

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Some REALLY enjoy water

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But there are corgis that heartily judge those who find water to be anything but despicable

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If looks could kill…


Some corgis want to get to know their fellow corgis

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Others try to figure out these non-corgi-but-not-quite-human creatures

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Some would just really love to be pet all day long

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But of course, one thing about corgis has always been true, always will be true, and is simply irrefutable:

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Corgis love to eat.


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Slowly, the corgi clan became dirty, wet, and just plain tuckered out, and eventually all went on their merry corgi way.

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(photo by Jake Cihla)

(photo by Jake Cihla)

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A HUGE thanks to Kathy, Leo and their corgi family for hosting this magnificent event!

See you next year!

See you next year!



The facts:

Unless otherwise stated, all pictures were taken and belong to me, Lindsay Hayward. If you would like to use these pictures for your own purposes, I would love to share! Please email me just to let me know, and I may have a better version for your usage (many of these can be cropped differently, so if you’re partially in it now, I may have the original with you all in!). My email address is or just leave a comment! Please tell me which pup is yours; I’d love to put a name to these faces! I love to nerd out about corgis (duh), so feel free to do the same!

If you want to do more with large groups of corgis, check out the Corgi’s R Us Meetup Group!

For information about the annual corgi picnic, check out Kathy and Leo’s website.

Check out DevyntheCorgi’s Facebook page – and follow us!

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11 responses to “The Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic (150+ Corgis!)

  1. Pingback: 2014 Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic·

  2. Awesome pics and write up of the corgi fest yesterday! 🙂 We are sad that we didn’t get a picture of Gwen and Devyn together, but you know how corgis are…won’t sit still for very long! I didn’t realize Devyn was there until my husband mentioned “didn’t you see the one that looked exactly like Gwen go by?” and I do remember seeing one that I kept thinking was Gwen but when I’d try to call it, it wasn’t Gwen.

    We have Fitz (the water-obsessed, perpetually wet, tri-colored puppy with the green bandana) and Gwen (fawn color, could be Devyn’s doppelganger with the pink polkadotty bandana — despises the water lol). 🙂

    Here are their facebook & wordpress links too. Gwen still “owns” them and lets Fitz “share” with her, though she is not too much of a fan of sharing. 😉

    Hope to see you at the next Corgi Picnic and Events! 🙂
    Possibly at the Corgi Event in Renton at the end of the month? (The one put on by the Cascade Corgi club.)

    • I’m so sorry we missed you! Fitz was HILARIOUS! I could’ve watched him all afternoon! We’ll get a picture of the twins next event! I don’t know about the one in Renton, but we’ll certainly try!!

  3. Hey Lindsey, so nice to see you guys at the picnic. You got some great shots of my Sheldon!! Can I get copies of those?? I’d love to share them on my fbook photo album of the picnic, if you’re ok with that.

    And if you guys ever want to do a corgi playdate on one of your days off, let me know. Maybe a walk at Marymoor or something.

  4. This is a wonderful diary of the day! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and thoughtful captions.

  5. Pingback: PNW Corgi Picnic 2014: The Waterlogged Corgi | Gwendolyn Rose·

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