The Story

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I’m obsessed with dogs. Not like “I really, really like them” but actually obsessed. Like my life isn’t as good without a dog as it should be. I have a paw print tattoo on my foot displaying my constant love. I have been waiting for many years to get my very own puppy.

My boyfriend, Jake, and I moved to Seattle in 2011 after graduating from college. We just decided to move across the country and see what comes next. We both got jobs and now we’re just working to make money so we can go play and travel. We waited about a year to get a dog to make sure we were ready.

We started looking at Corgi club websites to get more information. There’s a ton of Corgi clubs out there, and they’re all brought together by the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America. Through that website, we found the Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club where we learned more about the local rescue program. We applied for a rescue Corgi, but let’s get real; WHO gives up a Corgi? We knew it might take a while to find the perfect Corgi, especially since we have two cats with extremely strong personalities that might give us some trouble with an older dog not used to crazy kitties. So we also contacted some breeders.

Now, it’s important to realize how special Corgis are and how serious Corgi people are about keeping them that way. You can’t just go out and grab yourself a Corgi. People breed Corgis to be outstanding show or herding dogs. They’re not “just pets.” Therefore, when you visit a lot of breeders’ websites or look into finding a Corgi, you realize that usually the only time a Corgi becomes available as “just a pet,” it’s because the AKC breed standards are astronomically high and one of the pups isn’t quite perfect enough. And that’s just what happened. Devyn’s previous owner, Amy, hoped that Devyn would make an excellent show dog. And she would have. BUT, her legs are too long (how often do you hear a Corgi described that way?). Being all disproportionate and all, she doesn’t quite meet the requirements and therefore needed some “regular people” to give her a home. Enter me.

Amy emailed me saying she was trying to place an 11-month old Corgi. We set up a time to go visit- all the way over to Central Washington. That week was the longest, most exciting/anxiety-ridden of my life. But, lucky for us, Devyn is perfect and Amy was kind enough to let her come live with us.

I now work at one of Seattle’s many doggie daycares and Devyn gets to come with me to work every day! She spends most of her days playing with lots of other puppies and on our weekends, we usually go to dog parks or out to Snoqualmie to go hiking. I’d say Devyn lives a pretty good life, and we sure have a good life with her in it!

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